Tuesday, April 30, 2013

About Blogging

Funny that this should be a topic. I am having the HARDEST time figuring out what I want to do with my life. I was originally going to be a dietician, but I'm not entirely sure I'd actually like the job itself. So I did what my best friend suggested; I thought about what I'd do with my life if I didn't have to worry about money. Well, I would do the two things I love most-I'd work out and I'd write.

I would love to be a full-time blogger. I've been writing my health and fitness blog, Getting Healthy in 2012, since...well, 2012. In retrospect, I should have picked a different title, as it's now 2013. But that's where the journey started, so I guess it'll do. Unfortunately, that blog only gets about 10 pageviews a day. That's not enough to make that a career. I really wish I could get it there, though. I used to post every Friday, after my weigh in at Jenny Craig. This year, as my diet and exercise has been badly stalled out, I only wrote about once a month. I've started updating every day; if it was my job, I could keep it up, too! But since I have school, work, a family (my boyfriend, roommate, and dog count as a family, right?), housework, and 2381209312 other things to do, I probably can't keep it up. BUT IF IT WAS MY JOB, I could totally do it every day.

So if you have time (and aren't offended by swearing), show me some love and check it out :)

I hope to keep up this blog as well, for just other personal things. I really love to write.


I think the best sense of all is taste. I love to eat, which is apparent. I recently lost my sense of taste when I was sick last week and it was miserable not being to taste anything. I love cooking so I can combine different flavors-salty and sweet, savory and sweet, spicy and sweet, etc. I love discovering new flavors and combinations. I'm also not currently enjoying the disgusting chemical-like taste of the tap water. Damn you, flood season!

Story Sketch

I read an add in the classifieds about a young 20-something woman seeking a rich man who was out of town a lot...WHAT?! Who would actually respond to that?!! But if I were going to write a story about that scenario, I would try to spin it and make her some kind of good-hearted person who wanted his money to help the poor, and wanted him out of town so she could do volunteer work or something. I'd want to make it a twist. She SOUNDS like a gold-digger, but really, she's a wonderful person. Unlikely, yep. But that would be so much more interesting, wouldn't it?

Aw crap. Now I actually want to write this story. I think I'll work on it over the summer. I don't want to stop writing just because I'm no longer in class. I did write a new poem, The Apology, even though it wasn't required for anything. It's actually pretty good, too (I think). I wrote a really great story scene, but I don't have any other background for the story, so it's kind of useless at this point.