Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tiffany vs. Tiffany

Have you ever seen that episode of "Spongebob Squarepants" where Spongebob is training Gary for the snail race? That's how I've been feeling this last week. "Gary Tiffany" is trying her hardest, but "Spongebob Tiffany" just keeps yelling "NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!"

All last year, I was able to perfectly balance my health, cleaning, and work. I spent a lot of time doing nothing in particular, like watching tv and playing video games. I figured being back in school would just take up all the extra time I'd previously wasted on Dance Moms and Jersey Shore.

Wrong. So wrong.

I just can't get my shit together. I've been eating badly, skipping the gym, my house is a disaster. School is the biggest priority right now, but everything is slipping, big time. I feel like I'm swimming in the middle of the ocean with cinder blocks tied to my legs, and I'm fighting as hard as I can to keep my head above water....but I am terrified I'll go under.

The only good thing, I guess, is that I did get half a decent poem out of it. Ugh. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Summer Rain

Summer Rain

The gray clouds rumble above,
loud and sudden.

A squirrel scampers away,
quickly, soaked by the heavy droplets.

Rain drips rhythmically, sliding off the roof,
calming and steady.

Lightning brightly splits the sky,
hot, beautiful.

Trees sway in the harsh wind,
bending and resisting.

Flowers face toward the sky,
drinking, replenishing their thirsty petals.

Oh the lovely summer rain,
romantic and serene.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Anticipation Meets Exhilaration.

I've been dying to write a poem about running. To me, running IS poetry; the body, working in tandem with itself...I love it. I love everything about it. The feel before, during, and after, the sensations....AHHHHH, I LOVE IT SO MUCH.

I finally got it down. I wrote about all my favorite "senses" I experience as I run outside. I REALLY miss running outside. Screw you, treadmill.

I wanted to post it so I don't lose it, and also, because I'm actually pretty proud of this poem. Although I admit-I think it sounds a little cheesy. But isn't all poetry usually a little cheesy?? 

Anticipation Meets Exhilaration
It's a beautiful and familiar rhythm, 
as my feet sink to meet the pavement. 

The crunch of fallen leaves, 
a rainbow of red, gold, brown, and purple, dances across the earth. 

The smell of fresh cut grass,
fills my nostrils, sweet and fragrant like honey. 

Anticipation, so strong, as I inhale, 
exhilaration, upon exhale.

Legs radiate a welcomed burn, 
and lungs, in sync with them. 

The bitter, salty taste of sweat, 
this, my badge of honor.

Cool, sweet, wonderful water
is my reward, upon my return.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Who wants to do a blogasize?!

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
-That would be the East Side Professor!

2. Post these rules on your blog.

3. Tell about your six quirks.

4. Tag three bloggers to do the same.
The Night Owl
By Lightning of Gods
Olive Joos

5. Leave them a comment to know you've tagged them.

Here are my six quirks.

1. I find myself to be hilarious. I re-read posts on my blog or my twitter, and laugh out loud to myself. I highly doubt anyone else finds me as funny, but at least I amuse myself!

2. If I am in a tense situation, I default to making jokes. Sometimes, it doesn't end well.

3. Once I try a new recipe that I end up loving, I eat it almost every day, for every meal, until I don't ever want to eat it again.

4. I love grocery shopping, even though I usually buy the same things every time.

5. Trashy reality tv is a guilty pleasure of mine. Honestly, it makes me feel better about my life when I see some of the hot messes of the world.

6. I love the smell of a wet dog. I know to most people that's probably the most disgusting thing they've ever heard of, but it's a smell that reminds me of my childhood. We had a husky, which is a winter dog, and a pool; we used to splash him to cool him off, and I grew so fond of the smell.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

Homemade soup, "The Help," and sweatpants; those are some of my favorite things. Especially after work on this cold, cold Saturday. 

I love "The Help." It's one of my absolute FAVORITE movies. I watch it anytime it is on; I actually watched it twice yesterday (they show it a lot on Showtime), and yet here I am watching it again. I cry every time, at several different parts. But I LOVE this movie. It might be because I have a giant girl crush on Emma Stone. She's so gorgeous!

My homemade soup is pretty yummy. At only 100 calories a bowl, it's pretty superb. I threw chicken stock, canelllini beans, corn, tomatoes, carrots, onions, spinach, celery, and fresh parsley into my crockpot (which I've discovered is magic when it comes to cooking!) overnight last Sunday.  I have never made soup before, and I'm pretty thrilled about how delicious it turned out on the first try. The best part is, since it's made in such a large quantity, it feeds me all week. I have a quick meal to heat up when I'm hungry, which is good. Then I'm not tempted to pick up fast food because I'm too hungry or tired to cook. 

Tell me this doesn't look AMAZING.
I'm thinking of doubling the vegetables next time. 

Sweatpants are my favorite for obvious reasons. They're comfortable!! Also, my house has large windows and sliding doors, so our house is always incredibly cold. I'm currently under two blankets, and I'm STILL freezing my toes off. Boo. 

However, despite the cold, I am enjoying my cozy Saturday after work. My roommates are at work, so I can cry at "The Help" in peace. 

~Simply T

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Why Write?

Why do I write? I like getting my thoughts down on paper, because it usually helps me to get it out of my mind. Am I any good at writing? Honestly, I don't know. But I do it quite a bit, for different reasons.

I have a blog called Getting Healthy in 2012. I made a dramatic lifestyle change last year; I lost 45lbs and became a runner. I started the blog to document my journey, and it's practically turned into therapy for me. I check in about once a week to update how my running is going, how my diet is going, any new recipes I've developed, and so on. I have a limited following, but I mostly started it for myself. I have always been completely and brutally honest there, and so if anyone is offended by profanity, that is not the blog for you.

I also have an intense love of music. I like to write songs, but I have never been very confident about how well they were written, or if they are any good. But I do it anyway, because if I'm hurt or angry, getting it down on paper makes me feel better; it takes it out of my mind so I'm not hyper-focused on it. And nothing soothes the soul like music.

So why do I write? Basically, I have just always enjoyed it. It's like therapy to me, whether it's complaining about my weight loss progress or getting out angry thoughts by putting them into song. I like to write. I hope to improve. I think I could be an excellent writer. Let's see where this blogs takes me, shall we?

~Simply T