Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Who wants to do a blogasize?!

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
-That would be the East Side Professor!

2. Post these rules on your blog.

3. Tell about your six quirks.

4. Tag three bloggers to do the same.
The Night Owl
By Lightning of Gods
Olive Joos

5. Leave them a comment to know you've tagged them.

Here are my six quirks.

1. I find myself to be hilarious. I re-read posts on my blog or my twitter, and laugh out loud to myself. I highly doubt anyone else finds me as funny, but at least I amuse myself!

2. If I am in a tense situation, I default to making jokes. Sometimes, it doesn't end well.

3. Once I try a new recipe that I end up loving, I eat it almost every day, for every meal, until I don't ever want to eat it again.

4. I love grocery shopping, even though I usually buy the same things every time.

5. Trashy reality tv is a guilty pleasure of mine. Honestly, it makes me feel better about my life when I see some of the hot messes of the world.

6. I love the smell of a wet dog. I know to most people that's probably the most disgusting thing they've ever heard of, but it's a smell that reminds me of my childhood. We had a husky, which is a winter dog, and a pool; we used to splash him to cool him off, and I grew so fond of the smell.


  1. Just letting you know that I have tagged you in my Blogasize Post. :)

  2. Same here, just letting you know you've been tagged. =)

  3. If you think you are hilarous that is all that counts -- I too am hilarous!

  4. I sometimes reread witty tidbits I have posted on Twitter... you're not alone!
