Why do I write? I like getting my thoughts down on paper, because it usually helps me to get it out of my mind. Am I any good at writing? Honestly, I don't know. But I do it quite a bit, for different reasons.
I have a blog called Getting Healthy in 2012. I made a dramatic lifestyle change last year; I lost 45lbs and became a runner. I started the blog to document my journey, and it's practically turned into therapy for me. I check in about once a week to update how my running is going, how my diet is going, any new recipes I've developed, and so on. I have a limited following, but I mostly started it for myself. I have always been completely and brutally honest there, and so if anyone is offended by profanity, that is not the blog for you.
I also have an intense love of music. I like to write songs, but I have never been very confident about how well they were written, or if they are any good. But I do it anyway, because if I'm hurt or angry, getting it down on paper makes me feel better; it takes it out of my mind so I'm not hyper-focused on it. And nothing soothes the soul like music.
So why do I write? Basically, I have just always enjoyed it. It's like therapy to me, whether it's complaining about my weight loss progress or getting out angry thoughts by putting them into song. I like to write. I hope to improve. I think I could be an excellent writer. Let's see where this blogs takes me, shall we?
~Simply T
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