Monday, January 28, 2013

Anticipation Meets Exhilaration.

I've been dying to write a poem about running. To me, running IS poetry; the body, working in tandem with itself...I love it. I love everything about it. The feel before, during, and after, the sensations....AHHHHH, I LOVE IT SO MUCH.

I finally got it down. I wrote about all my favorite "senses" I experience as I run outside. I REALLY miss running outside. Screw you, treadmill.

I wanted to post it so I don't lose it, and also, because I'm actually pretty proud of this poem. Although I admit-I think it sounds a little cheesy. But isn't all poetry usually a little cheesy?? 

Anticipation Meets Exhilaration
It's a beautiful and familiar rhythm, 
as my feet sink to meet the pavement. 

The crunch of fallen leaves, 
a rainbow of red, gold, brown, and purple, dances across the earth. 

The smell of fresh cut grass,
fills my nostrils, sweet and fragrant like honey. 

Anticipation, so strong, as I inhale, 
exhilaration, upon exhale.

Legs radiate a welcomed burn, 
and lungs, in sync with them. 

The bitter, salty taste of sweat, 
this, my badge of honor.

Cool, sweet, wonderful water
is my reward, upon my return.

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